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Here you will find editorial comments about a variety of things.


Many will be about the truth of the matter.


Not propaganda that we see so much of coming from the mainstream media.


The hope is that you will enjoy it and it will encourage you to step up and express your true freedom of speech with respect and honor for others.

We the People

by Patti LaRue Editor


If you only rely on the information that is coming from sources such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC (especially the first three), CBS, and ABC, then you are being robbed of real information that you need to be able to make a truly well-informed and intelligent opinion of your own. 


The mainstream media has its own agenda and it doesn't include your welfare or giving you the truth. Their agenda is not one of honesty or reporting the news. Their only goal is to find as much garbage, gossip, and unknown source information they can gather that is intent on destroying the President of this country and anyone else that might support him and the Constitution of this country. 


Most of what comes from these news pundits is propaganda and nothing more. Journalism is dead with most of these organizations.


They attack our rights to freedom of speech whenever it goes against their distorted reality of what freedom of speech is. As long as you go along with their perverse obsession with their hatred of the President and all who voted for him then you have freedom of speech. But dare to disagree with their venomous, disgraceful, and totally biased voices, they'll stomp you out like a fly being smacked down with a fly swatter.


Here are a few things that you more than likely have not heard from mainstream media:


  • Stocks continue to soar at a historic rate.

  • The National GDP is at 3.2% - In the entire 8 years of the Obama administration it never once even hit 3%.

  • The unemployment rate is the lowest since 1943.

  • Since President Trump has taken office he has added $5 trillion in assets to the U.S. which drops the National debt down from $20 trillion to $15 trillion.

  • Where did that $20 trillion come from? Obama. He was able to add more debt to our nation than ALL past presidents combined.

  • Over 1,000 Isis members have thrown down their guns and surrendered to the U.S. and allied troops just recently

  • President Obama used the "mighty pen" for 365 Executive Orders, far more than any other president in history (Obama Care was one of them).

  • They would have you believe that places such as Chicago are the fault of the NRA, 2nd Amendment, and the President. What they don't tell you is that you can't buy a gun legally in Illinois. Gun control doesn't work. Criminals will get their hands on guns despite gun control, leaving the innocent unprotected.

  • The Immigration laws that President Trump is trying to enforce have been on the books for years. They are nothing new that he's trying to implement.

  • The Senators who struck down the Presidents request to at least discuss replace and repeal ObamaCare are the exact same Senators that refused to vote for ObamaCare forcing President Obama to put it through on an Executive Order!

  • Did you know that in 2006 the Senate agreed to add money to the budget for a border wall? Those same Senators are now trying to vote against something they already passed!



Those were just a few things that are often not reported to you the American people! Maybe it's time for YOU, the American people to take a stand and take back your rights to be given unbiased information and not lies and information that the high and mighty mainstream media decides they'll shove down your throats!





by Patti LaRue Editor

Hillary Clinton

Let's not forget about one of the biggest hypocrites of them all. The blame it on everyone and everything else than herself when it came to losing the election, woman. The excuses and finger pointing is never ending with this woman. She's never stopped and taken a closer look at herself, but those with narcissistic personalities are never going to do that because they are incapable of doing so.


Hillary Clinton has spoken so many lies that even if she ever came to the realization of who she really is she'd not believe her own realization and even blame that on someone else other than herself.


So, why is Hillary the biggest hypocrite of them all? Well, let's just start off with Weinstein. Here's a woman who proclaims herself to be a champion of women. Well, if that's the case, why did it take her five long days to finally come out and give us her fake horror about her good buddy Harvey? When it only took her a few hours after the tragedy in Las Vegas to comment and turn the tragedy into an immediate political debate using the tragedy as her own personal sanctimonious platform! Why the different response time? Well, her pockets were lined with thousands upon thousands of dollars from her good buddy Harvey. Oh, wasn't she also the one who demonized women who were victims of her sexual predator impeached husband? 


Champion for women? Are you serious? As she stands up there preaching to us about sexism, she seems to forget about the millions and millions of dollars that she and her husband received and happily accepted from countries that practice Sharia Law. You know, the law that:


  • Doesn't allow women to vote

  • Doesn't allow women to drive

  • Doesn't allow women to go to school

  • Doesn't allow women to wear what they want

  • Can only have permission from men in their lives to travel

  • Mutilate their genitals

  • It's legal for their husbands to beat and torture them

  • It's legal to rape their wives


That's just a few of the things included in Sharia Law. But this self-proclaimed champion of women has accepted millions of dollars from countries such as:


  • Saudi Arabia

  • Qatar

  • Yemen

  • Oman

  • UAE


Those are just the ones that are openly admitted to by the Clintons.


How can a person who claims to be for the rights of ALL women accept tainted money from such countries for their own personal gain?!


Hillary may represent some women in this country but she'll never represent me, my beliefs or ideals. By doing so would be betraying myself and other women who truly do believe in the fair and equal treatment of all women and all people and not just those who line pockets with the "almighty green buck"!


Hillary, please go back to the woods where you belong. You represent nothing but greed and hypocrisy in this world.

by Patti LaRue Editor







Harvey Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg coming out of the world of Hollywood and its hypocrisy. 


For well over 30 years Weinstein ran wild in Hollywood and all over the world sexually harassing, abusing and even claims of rape without a word from all those sanctimonious Hollywood snobs who dare preach to us about our beliefs and morality.


For years he abused 30 and still counting, young women who only dreamed to become famous in the world of make-believe.


The mainstream media would like to have you think that all these women said nothing until now. However, that's not true about many of them. Many of these women coming forward now had gone to others in the industry to file complaints about Weinstein but were shunned by the Hollywood elites and were often told that they didn't have proof or "Oh, that's just Harvey." Are you serious? No proof? What about they themselves being the proof? And to say "Oh, that's just Harvey." like it was nothing, get over it.


People in Hollywood have known about Harvey Weinstein and many others like him that include Woody Allen a well known pedophile protected by the Hollywood elites along with Roman Polanski, who was found guilty of raping a 13 year old but fled the country and was still allowed to make movies and won an Academy Award for "The Pianist" to the roars and applause of the lacking in morality Hollywood hypocrites!


These are the same deplorable people who stand up at mics telling us what fools we are for voting for the President of the US and how we don't know what we're doing and that we don't have a right to express our beliefs, preaching to us how their way is the moral ground on which we should base the way we should live our lives! 


It's not just the hypocrites in Hollywood that have their pockets lined with the almighty dollars of Weinstein. What about the NY City DA who refused to prosecute Weinstein when the NYCPD had absolute proof on tape that Weinstein had openly admitted to a young model that he grabbed her breast and was pleading with her to come back to his room to be with him. He whined and begged her like the sick depraved pervert he is. But that disgusting tape wasn't enough proof? A taped confession, not enough?! Give that tape to a jury without pockets lined with his money and the man would have been convicted with just 5 minutes of deliberation!


Let's not forget about the Democrats! Weinstein lined the pockets of the Clintons, Obamas (they even allowed their daughter to intern with this pervert), DNC, and dozens more with thousands upon thousands of dollars. Wonder why the Dems kept quiet for so many days? All that blood money, that's why.


Here is just part of the list of women who fell victim to this "pig":


Click Here for the ever-growing list of victims.


Not only was Hollywood guilty of not talking and keeping it silent, it was actually written into his contract with his company, that the sexual harassment and assaults were OK as long as he paid the company back if they had to pay out any kind of settlements to the victims!


Let's not forget the NY Times refusing to publish news about this back in 2006 by one of their reporters. Rumor has it that Matt Damone and a couple of others were instrumental in keeping that from hitting headlines in 2006.


If it were not for the courage of Ronan Farrow, son of Mia Farrow, whose sister was raped by Woody Allen years back, who took his story first to his employer...NBC, we'd still be in the dark about this disgusting Hollywood not so secret, secret. However, as we now know, NBC refused to run Farrow's story so he left NBC and took it to The New Yorker instead. And the rest is still developing.


Hollywood Hypocrites
Harvey Weinstein
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