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Where's the Outrage From the Left for the Attack on Ivanka?

Writer's picture: PLMAGAPLMAGA

After the horrendous comments that Samantha Bee intentionally decided to keep in her monologue about Ivanka Trump, where's the outrage from the Left in support of the person being attacked with such vulgar rhetoric? What do we hear? Wait for it, nothing, nothing but crickets. Not only did Bee call Ivanka the "c word", she also insinuated there was incest between Ivanka and her father. Just when I thought the Left couldn't stoop any lower, out comes this!

Rosanne shouldn't have said what she said, we all know that, and she has been severely punished for it. Just like Rosanne, Samantha Bee should not have said what she said either. It was beyond deplorable. Both are bad, however, Bee chose to put this in her monologue, it wasn't just off the cuff which moments later she felt horrible for saying, as Rosanne did. No, instead this was deliberate and meant to be as low as you can get. Worse yet, TBS allowed it to remain in. They could have edited it out, but chose not to.

Unlike the response for Rosannes' comment, Bee is basically getting a pass for the crass things that she said. In fact the Left are coming out of the woodwork praising her for exercising her freedom of speech. Really? Again, the ugly head of the hypocritical Left blatantly shows that freedom of speech only works for those who suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). You hate Trump and you get applauded and get a pass, no matter what you say. You support Trump and you can pretty much bet that your career is gone, over, in a moments notice!

The only thing that triggered Bee to attack Ivanka was a simple photo she shared of her and her son. Really? You mean those on the side of Trump can't even use social media now and share things as sweet as a photo of their own child?

Bee is supposed to be outraged by a current law that is in the headlines about immigrant children brought illegally into the country and are separated from their parents at the border. Well, let me tell you Samantha, that law was on the books during the Obama administration. Where was your outrage then? I don't remember you attacking Michelle or his two daughters with your outrage then!

Also, where was her outrage when Dems posted a photo of kids in cages claiming that it was a current photo, when the truth came to light, the photo was during her beloved Obama's reign.

The hypocrisy shown by the Left is indefensible. Look at the difference in how they've treated Rosanne, a staunch supporter of Trump and the treatment of Bee. Both guilty of saying things that were wrong, but one is black balled and the other applauded!!

I also would like to ask where are all the voices of those so called feminists and coming to Ivankas defense for being so poorly treated? Where are the members of The View? Why aren't they calling out Bee for her vulgarity and defend Ivanka for such horrible treatment? Just imagine how any one of them would have reacted if any of them were called a "fleckless c***" on national TV on top of everything else.

The truth is glaring, we are seeing a set of new rules that all of us are supposed to play by whether we want to or not. These new rules also have nothing to do with doing the right thing, it's more like how far you will go to denigrate the POTUS and his family.

As long as you are a card caring member of the "We hate Trump" Left, you will nearly always be guaranteed a pass for what you say and do. It doesn't matter how vulgar, vile, filthy, or disgusting it might be, it's OK as long as it's an attack against the First Family. Sexism, which is always a favorite card held by the Left along with the race card, is perfectly fine as long as the target is a conservative.

The double standard used to hide in the shadows, but now it's there for the entire world to see, it's the only way the Left knows how to operate. It's not in our minds that ALL conservatives are targets, because we are. Everything that we believe in from our faith in God to our support of the POTUS is fair game for the Left. As for conservatives, we are now getting to the point that anything we say, if it doesn't fit their insane narrative, is trampled on and at every turn they try to shut us down!

This is a very sad time in our country, when it should be a joyous time with how well the economy is doing, people have more jobs, promise after promise made being kept by the President and much more. But the Left refuses to see all the good that's happening around them and would rather continue to divide the country and then turn around and blame it on you and me!

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