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Freedom of Speech Only for Left as Rosanne is Canceled

Writer's picture: PLMAGAPLMAGA

I won't waste my type putting up what Rosanne tweeted earlier today, there's no need to since it has been seen by nearly the whole world and reacted upon like world war three just started.

Look, I didn't like what Rosanne said, it was crass and racial, even though I don't like Obama or his aide Valerie Jarrett, I'm not going to defend nasty things such as what Rosanne said. However, I do and will defend her right to execute her right to freedom of speech! We ALL have that right no matter which side of the street we're on.

Worse than what Rosanne said, and it was crass, is the fact that there are two standards when it comes to free speech. One that suits the Left and one for the rest of us, which is NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Sure, they claim we can say what we want, however, truth be known, and it's as clear as the nose on Pinocchio's face, that we can say what we want as long as it's approved by the Left's "PC Police"! That's the truth about free speech in this country today and it's time that We the People of this country wake up to that reality! It's a reality that you can just sit back and take it as fact and there's nothing you can do about it, or, you can start fighting back whenever or wherever you can. If that means contacting your senators and congressmen then do it. If it means to march peacefully in DC, then do it. If it means speaking out on ALL the social media outlets you can, then do it! If it means setting up your own space where you allow free speech then damn it, I say do it! Otherwise you will lose your right to free speech FOREVER! And it will be your fault for NOT fighting back!

The knee jerk reaction that ABC had immediately after Rosanne's tweet was a prime example of the Left's belief that no one is allowed free speech if it doesn't pass under their microscopic lens of scrutiny! It's a prime example of the hypocrisy of the Left. Even though Rosanne shouldn't have said what she said just out of decency, it really shouldn't have cost her and those that worked with her the loss of the TV show ranked the no. 1 comedy. She should have been warned and penalized yes, but ABC's knee jerk reaction was BS! I say that because let's take a look at some Left performers who have said horrible and inhumane things about the President and his family:

1. Jimmy Kimmel - Has said horrendous and disgusting things but still has his job and show.

2. Steven Cobert - He's even worse than Kimmel yet he's still got his job and show.

3. Madonna - Dreams of blowing up the White House, but nothing happens to her, she's supported for saying it.

4. Di' Nero - His insane rants and threats of physical harm against the President over and over again don't get contracts canceled, instead he gets rounds of applause for saying them!

5. Snoop Dog - Features a picture on CD cover of a dead body with a toe tag that says Trump on it, but no record contract cancellations!

6. Joy Behar - ABC's darling of The View has said many offensive things but one of her worst was when she commented about VP Pence talking to God and listening to what He says. With that she claimed anyone who talks to God and hears Him answer back has to be mentally ill! I don't know about anyone else, but I believe ALL Christians found that offensive yet all they did to Joy was tell her to apologize to the VP! Why wasn't she fired if they are basing it on something that is over the top offensive? Even though I was offended by it, I still understood she was using her 1st Amendment right under the Constitution. Yes, she shouldn't have said it, she did, and that was basically it, she gave a half-hearted apology to the VP and NOTHING to the rest of us whom she insulted and offended.

I could go on and on, but I think you get my point! The point is, that there is no freedom of speech for any of us who don't follow the "Group Think" of the fascist/socialistic Left!

I don't condone Rosanne for what she said but I do applaud her for exercising her freedom of speech!

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May 30, 2018

Here's a good read with another view on why ABC may really have cancelled the Rosanne show.

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