@realDonaldTrump - "Our United States team has arrived in North Korea to make arrangements for the Summit between Kim Jong Un and myself. I truly believe North Korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial Nation one day. Kim Jong Un agrees with me on this. It will happen!" (May 27, 2018)
My, my, my what do you know, the Left pundits got Trump all wrong again. But when do they ever get him right? When don't they underestimate the the power of his genius when it come to "The Art of the Deal"? Just an example of their idiocy:
Trump talks tough to Lil' Kim - Left cries he's too tough on him he'll get us into a nuclear war.
Kim sits down with Pres. Moon of SOKO and secretly Pompeo has a little chat with Kim and comes home with three American hostages and Trump thanks Kim. - Left screams that he's being too soft on Kim!
Tough talk comes from Trump and Bolton and word comes out of NOKO that they might cancel Summit. - Left almost giddy with joy that it looks like Trump has failed. Guess they want that nuclear war after all.
Trump then announces that he's decided to walk way from the Summit because he doesn't like Kim's attitude. - Left have a meltdown and now claim Trump is being too tough on Kim and walking away from the Summit is going to cause a nuclear war!
Now the US is meeting NOKO to discuss the Summit. Now what do you have to say Leftist Trump haters?!
Sen. Roy Blunt told Fox News "I think the president has got the North Koreans in a place that any other president might not have managed to get done. He's very willing to reach out in new directions through the South Korean president, willing to meet with the North Korean president but also willing to walk away."
It seems this most recent quickly arranged meeting, the second one this month, appears to highlight a real sense of urgency on both sides of the world's most heavily armed border. They are still looking to have the Summit in Singapore on June 12th. Trump said that this place and date has not changed.
Here is some of a letter that President sent to Kim Jong Un when he said he was going to walk away from the Summit:
"Based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place. You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used. If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth."
It's time that the Left Trump haters recognize that the man that We the People duly elected as our POTUS knows exactly what he's doing and they either need to get on board or jump ship and let someone else do their jobs because this tax payer is sick of them taking my money and doing nothing but resist, obstruct, and hate the one man who is trying to save this country from its own demise!